
GaAs/AlAs quantum wells (QWs) with effectively atomically flat heterointerfaces over a large area [“ (4 1 1) A super-flat interfaces”] grown on (4 1 1) A GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy were characterized by room-temperature photoreflectance (PR) measurements. A larger PR signal corresponding to an optical transition between the 1st electron and the first heavy-hole levels (e1–hh1) was observed for the (4 1 1) A QW with a well width ( L w) of 3.2 nm compared to the QW simultaneously grown on a (1 0 0) GaAs substrate. However, spectral line width of the PR signal from the (4 1 1) A QW was comparable to that of the (1 0 0) QW. In contrast with this, larger and sharper PR signals of e2–hh2 and e3–hh3 transitions were observed for the (4 1 1) A QWs with L w =12.9 nm . The spectral line width of the room-temperature PR signal of the e n–hh n transition with higher quantum index ( n) is more sensitive to the interface flatness comparing to the low-temperature photoluminescence line width of the GaAs/AlAs QW.

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