
Accelerator-based photoneutron sources have enjoyed wide use and offer the advantages of long term stability, ease of control and absence of radioactive materials. The authors report here measurements of the yield of photoneutrons from a neutron generator using a compact betatron (466 kg total weight, 900 by 560 by 350 mm betatron dimensions) at the Institute of Introscopy of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Electrons were accelerated to energies up to 10 MeV and produced a bremsstrahlung beam with a dose rate of 0.16 Gy/min (at 10 MeV, 1 meter from the bremsstrahlung target) to irradiate LiD, Be, depleted U, and Pb neutron-producing targets. The angular distributions of photoneutrons produced by bremsstrahlung beams were measured with a long counter and integrated to determine neutron yield. In addition, neutron time of flight spectra were recorded from all targets using a 15 meter flight path perpendicular to the photon beam. The maximum observed yields were 5.2 {times} 10{sup 4} n/rad/gram target obtained with LiD, 1.7 {times} 10{sup 4} n/rad/gram from Be, 3.3 {times} 10{sup 3} n/rad/gram from U, and 7.5 {times} 10{sup 2} n/rad/gram from Pb. Optimization of target dimensions, shape, and positioning is expected to increase the yield from the LiD target by a factor of 35. With the increased yield, this compact betatron-based system could find application in the interrogation of waste containers for fissile material.

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