
There is a simple relationship between the photon statistics in resonance fluorescence and the statistics of the momentum transferred to an atom by a plane traveling wave. We use this relation and the theory of atomic motion in resonant radiation to derive expressions for the mean <n> and the variance <(Δn)2> of the number of photons emitted in a given time by a two-level atom in a coherent exciting field. We find, in addition to the sub-poissonian statistics [<(Δn)2> less than <n>] previously reported for the case of resonant excitation, that super-poissonian photon statistics [<(Δn)2> greater than <n>] occur in resonance fluorescence for certain off-resonance cases. It is suggested that the sub-poissonian and the super-poissonian emission statistics might be demonstrated in a simple photodeflection experiment.

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