
Abstract:8-Hydroxyquinoline(HQ) is a monoprotic bidentate chelating agent, which forms afluorescent complex with AlCl3 in the ground and the excited states. The formation constantsare determined from the least squares fitting of Benesi-Hildebrand and Hill plots.8-hydroxyquinoline and 8-hydroxyquinoline aluminum salt (AlHQ3)show photostabilityin thepresence of suspended TiO2 (Degaussa P25). The photostability of the surface complexes(8-HQ-TiO2) and (AlHQ3-TiO2) has been examined in the presence of (I-/I2) electrolytesolution showing a significant changes in the absorption and the fluorescence spectra ofAlHQ3 and the rate of the reaction is determined.The photostability results of 8-Hydroxyquinoline favor its exploitation as a sensitizer in dyesensitizedsolar cell (DSSC). Light into electricity conversion efficiency is calculated from thecurrent -voltage (I-V) curve for 8-HQ sensitized solar cell.Although 8-HQ reveals anappreciatedphotostability, it is not an efficient dye for light to electricity conversion due to itslimited light absorption range (290-340nm).

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