
A trial was conducted to evaluate phosphorus release capacity in different commercial phytases throught performance and bone characteristics of broilers. A total of 2,400-day-old male Cobb 500® chicks were assigned in a completely randomized design with 12 dietary treatments ((1 to 5: with increasing levels of non-phytate phosphorus (NPP) (0.20; 0.25; 0.30; 0.35 and 0.40%) without phytase); and 6 to 12: with 0.20% supplemented with different commercial phytases), 8 replicates and 25 birds per pen. There was a linear increase (P<0.05) in the feed intake and body weight gain and a linear improvement (P<0.05) in the feed conversion ratio of broilers fed increasing NPP. The tested phytases did not release similar amounts of phytic phosphorus. Based on body weight gain response, 500 FTU/kg of diet releases a minimum and maximum of 0.074 to 0.152%, 0.062 to 0.157 and 0.059 to 0.169% of PP among the studied phytases in the periods from 1 to 21, 1 to 35 and 1 to 42 days, respectively. In conclusion, the commercial phytases released different concentrations of phytate phosphorus from the diets. Thus, is necessary to have a better method to evaluate phytase activity in order to avoid subnormal levels of available P in diets.

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