
The role of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PIase C) in a) the enigmatic phosphatidylinositol (PI) turnover and b) in our understanding of membrane enzyme-PI interactions is the subject matter of this article. PIase C is present in both procaryotes and eukaryotes. This enzyme is considered to be involved in the cells PI breakdown which occurs in response to several external stimuli. Recent information on the physical properties, Ca 2+ requirement, cellular localization and modulation of the activity of PIase C of mammalian systems can help to evaluate the PI turnover from a new angle. Existing evidence suggests that Ca 2+-dependent PI breakdown is probably mediated through the cytosolic and particulate PIase C while a Ca 2+ independent pathway is catalyzed by a lysosomal enzyme. Apparently PI turnover may be operating through more than one mechanism. The association of this phenomenon with a membrane receptor event linked with “Ca 2+ gating” may have to be reconsidered. Modulation of the PIase C activity by unsaturated amphiphiles or the presence of this enzyme in different physico-chemical forms could be a potential regulatory feature. Hydrolysis of membrane PI of a number of cells and tissues by the bacterial PIase C has been shown to cause substantial release of acetylcholinesterase, alkaline phosphatase and 5′-nucleotidase in free, soluble form. Other membrane enzymes, e.g., alkaline phosphodiesterase I, L-leucyl-β naphtyl amidase and Ca 2+ or Mg 2+ ATPase are not affected. These results indicate a specific interaction between PI and certain enzymes in membranes. The chemical nature of this linkage, whether it is covalent or non-covalent, has also been explored and has provided intriguing insight into this phenomenon. New findings also indicate that hydrolysis of PI by PIase C also can cause modifications in membrane-enzyme activities, e.g., adenylate cyclase.

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