
We present evidence which indicates that highly purified placental acid sphingomyelinase hydrolyses [14C]phosphatidylcholine [( 14C]PC) and the synthetic phosphodiester 4-methylumbelliferyl phosphorylcholine (4-MUPC). Hydrolysis was achieved by phospholipase C phosphodiesterase action. Of the several detergents tested, sodium taurocholate alone was necessary for PC hydrolysis, while 4-MUPC was hydrolysed independent of any detergent requirement. The pH optima for the reactions were 4.6-4.8 for PC hydrolysis and 4.8-5.0 for 4-MUPC hydrolysis. As with sphingomyelin hydrolysis, degradation of both PC and 4-MUPC was inhibited by 5'-, 3'-, and 2'-AMP, 5'-AMP being the most effective of the three. Furthermore, the phosphodiesterase activity against PC and 4-MUPC copurified with sphingomyelinase from human placenta and cross-reacted with a specific anti-sphingomyelinase monoclonal antibody, strongly indicating identity of the phosphodiesterases. This explains phospholipase C deficiency in sphingomyelinase-deficient Niemann-Pick disease cells.

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