
Sinonasal haemangiopericytoma (SN-HPC) is a rare sinonasal mesenchymal neoplasm of perivascular myoid cell origin. Solitary fibrous tumour (SFT) occurs only very rarely in the sinonasal tract. SFT and soft tissue HPC have been considered a single entity. Recently, recurrent gene fusions involving NAB2-STAT6 resulting in differential expression of STAT6 were characterized as central molecular events in SFT. However, no data exist for NAB2-STAT6 status or STAT6 expression in SN-HPC. We examined six SN-HPCs and two sinonasal SFTs by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR for NAB2-STAT6 fusions. SN-HPC affected three females and three males (mean age: 72years). They expressed smooth muscle actin, lacked strong CD34 reactivity and were negative for nuclear STAT6 expression. RT-PCR analysis confirmed the absence of NAB2-STAT6 fusions in all cases. Conversely, both sinonasal SFTs (in males aged 39 and 52years) displayed classical features of pleuropulmonary and soft-tissue SFTs (uniformly CD34-positive with strong nuclear expression of STAT6). RT-PCR revealed NAB2-STAT6 fusions in both cases. These findings confirm the molecular and phenotypical distinctness of these two entities. While SN-HPC is a site-specific sinonasal neoplasm of as yet unknown molecular pathogenesis, sinonasal SFTs show phenotypical and molecular identity to their pleural/extrapleural counterparts.

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