
Efficient breeding plans depend upon the availability of reliable and accurate data.To evaluate the productive and reproductive performance of the Nili-Ravi buffalo, registered under thebull mother scheme, was evaluated from 1980-2020. General Linear Model is used to study the effectof phenotypic characters on milk yield i.e., year of calving, age at first calving, and dam’s parity onproductive traits under consideration. The lactation records of all parity are used for the analysis. Thedata on pedigrees, breeding, and performance records through analysis of variance procedure showsstatistically significant (P < 0.05) differences for the effect of 305 days milk yield and lactation length.The Least Squares Mean for lactation milk yield, age at first calving and lactation length are 2108.62 ±12.80 liters, 1574.49 ± 8.1 and 295.50 ± 1.47 days, respectively. The inclusive results depict thatbuffaloes calve in the winter season have the highest and most significant total milk yield. The data setcould be used as a phenotype for genome-wide association studies as a reference population.

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