
Phenotypic differentiation of two tetraploid (2n = 4x = 36, 36+1B, 36+2B) populations of Santolina rosmarinifolia geographically isolated from diploid populations was investigated. The karyotype was relatively homogeneous, meiosis was regular and pollen was fertile in both cytotypes. An autopolyploid or allopolyploid origin for tetraploid cytotypes is discussed. Overall, 80.82% of all variance in achene weight, time t0, t50 and t90 of germination and accumulated germination rate was due to achene age at each ploidy level. Partition of the total phenotypic variance showed that there was extensive variation between ploidy levels. The mean of morphological characters was generally higher in polyploids. For diploid cytotypes, flower number, achene production and fruiting percentage were significantly higher than for tetraploid cytotypes. Cluster analysis indicated that the patterns of seedling morphology and development were similar in three diploid individuals and several tetraploids; the same analysis showed high similarity between diploid individuals of the natural populations, whereas tetraploid individuals showed high dissimilarity among themselves and with diploid individuals. Multiple correspondence analysis and logistic regression analysis indicated that qualitative characters contribute strongly to cytotype differentiation. The results support recognition of the tetraploid cytotypes at the subspecies level.

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