
The studies have provided the first comprehensive comparison of the factors regulating activation and proliferation of WC1+ and WC1- gammadelta T cells. The investigation has shown that accessory molecules essential for activation and function of WC1+ and WC1- gammadelta T cells and the sources and roles of cytokines in activation of gammadelta T cells through the T cell receptor (TCR). The study has also shown that the role of cytokines in activation and function of gammadelta T cells activated indirectly through cytokines secreted by ab T cells, accessory cells and antigen presenting cells (APC). Cytokines were differentially produced by subpopulations of gammadelta T cells under different conditions of activation. The investigation obtained in this study has revealed that factors account for activation and proliferation of gammadelta T cells in cultures designed to study MHC-restricted responses to antigens. Evidence obtained here has shown there is biological relevance to activation under these culture conditions that points to potential regulatory and effector functions of gammadelta T cells. The investigations have also provided the information needed to begin identifying and characterizing antigens recognized by the TCR repertoires of WC1+ and WC1- gammadelta T cells. Finally, the investigations have provided the information needed to begin analysis of the mechanisms by which gammadelta T cells modulate MHC restricted immune responses to pathogens and derived vaccines.

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