
Phenological divergence between conspecific populations breeding sympatrically is increasingly recognized as an important evolutionary process that may lead to allochronic speciation. However, the extent to which adaptation to differences in the timing of breeding may contribute to this process remains unclear. In this study, we assessed breeding phenology, population connectivity, and niche differentiation of two allochronic populations we of the Cape Verde Storm-petrel (Hydrobates jabejabe). We monitored nesting activity, marked individuals, tracked individuals during both the breeding and nonbreeding periods, and determined the trophic niche during both the breeding and nonbreeding periods. Timing of breeding for the two allochronic populations segregated into a hot (March-August) and cool (September-February) season (hereafter, hot and cool populations). These periods matched the two annual pulses of oceanic productivity around Cabo Verde, suggesting allochrony was primarily driven by a biannual cyclicity in food availability. Despite their allochronic breeding, there was, however, low differentiation between the hot and cool populations in spatial use, daily activity patterns, and trophic niche during both the breeding and nonbreeding periods. Further, the exchange of breeders between seasons, as documented through the recapture of marked individuals, may hinder seasonal adaptation by each population and ultimately, allochronic speciation. Consequently, allochrony alone may not be sufficient to drive speciation unless reproductive isolation between populations is complete or populations become strongly adapted to the environmental conditions associated with their timing of breeding.

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