
This review is devoted to the Multiple Point Principle (MPP), according to which several vacuum states with the same energy density exist in Nature. The MPP is implemented to the Standard Model (SM), Family replicated gauge group model (FRGGM) and phase transitions in gauge theories with/without monopoles. Using renormalization group equations for the SM, the effective potential in the two-loop approximation is investigated, and the existence of its postulated second minimum at the fundamental scale is confirmed. Phase transitions in the lattice gauge theories are reviewed. The lattice results for critical coupling constants are compared with those of the Higgs monopole model, in which the lattice artifact monopoles are replaced by the point-like Higgs scalar particles with magnetic charge. Considering our (3+1)-dimensional space–time as, in some way, discrete or imagining it as a lattice with a parameter a = λP, where λP is the Planck length, we have investigated the additional contributions of monopoles to the β-functions of renormalization group equations for running fine structure constants αi(μ) (i = 1, 2, 3 correspond to the U (1), SU(2) and SU(3) gauge groups of the SM) in the FRGGM extended beyond the SM at high energies. It is shown that monopoles have N fam times smaller magnetic charge in the FRGGM than in the SM (N fam is a number of families in the FRGGM). We have estimated also the enlargement of a number of fermions in the FRGGM leading to the suppression of the asymptotic freedom in the non-Abelian theory. We have reviewed that, in contrast to the case of the Anti-grand-unified-theory (AGUT), there exists a possibility of unification of all gauge interactions (including gravity) near the Planck scale due to monopoles. The possibility of the [SU(5)]3 or [SO(10)]3 unification at the GUT-scale ~1018 GeV is briefly considered.

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