
In this paper we are concerned with the contact process with random recovery rates on open clusters of bond percolation on $$\mathbb {Z}^d$$ . Let $$\xi $$ be a random variable such that $$P(\xi \ge 1)=1$$ , which ensures $$\mathrm{E}\frac{1}{\xi }<+\infty $$ , then we assign i. i. d. copies of $$\xi $$ on the vertices as the random recovery rates. Assuming that each edge is open with probability p and the infection can only spread through the open edges, then we obtain that $$\begin{aligned} \limsup _{d\rightarrow +\infty }\lambda _d\le \lambda _c=\frac{1}{p\mathrm{E}\frac{1}{\xi }}, \end{aligned}$$ where $$\lambda _d$$ is the critical value of the process on $$\mathbb {Z}^d$$ , i.e., the maximum of the infection rates with which the infection dies out with probability one when only the origin is infected at $$t=0$$ . To prove the above main result, we show that the following phase transition occurs. Assuming that $$\lceil \log d\rceil $$ vertices are infected at $$t=0$$ , where these vertices can be located anywhere, then when the infection rate $$\lambda >\lambda _c$$ , the process survives with high probability as $$d\rightarrow +\infty $$ while when $$\lambda <\lambda _c$$ , the process dies out at time $$O(\log d)$$ with high probability.

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