
The paper presents M¨ ossbauer spectroscopy investigation on superconducting Rb0.8Fe1.6Se2 exhibit- ing nanoscale phase separation and two its deriva- tives: Cu-doped Rb0.8Fe1.56Cu0.04Se2 and Fe-deficient Rb0.7Fe1.4Se2. The spectra reveal the presence of the same dominant magnetic sextet in the samples, which is assigned to the Fe 16i sites of the √ 5 × √ 5 × 1 superstructure. This magnetic part is independent on the modification of the sample and does not undergo any changes after doping or deviation of stoichiometry. In contrast, the minor non-magnetic doublet in the spec- tra of Rb0.8Fe1.6Se2, which is attributed to the super- conducting nanoscale phase, is sensitive to such mod- ifications. After doping with Cu, the relative intensity of non-magnetic doublet significantly decreases together with suppression of superconductivity. On the other hand, the Fe-deficient sample is entirely magnetically ordered

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