
Normal (N) metallic (Ag) mesoscopic conductors with two superconducting (S) faces (Al), arranged mirror-symmetrically relative to the streamlines of the current, periodically switch into the normal state as the superconducting phase difference Δϕ between the NS boundaries approaches the values Δϕ =(2n+1)π, n=0,1,2,..., irrespective of temperature and applied voltage. For Δϕ =2nπ and low applied voltages the conductance passes through a maximum and approaches the normal value as temperature decreases (reentrance). As the voltage subsequently increases, the conductance increases and passes through a maximum. As the phase difference moves away from the values Δϕ=2nπ, the maxima shift in the direction of low temperatures and voltages. The latter result shows unequivocally that in our metal structures it is necessary to take into account the next-order corrections to the “weak” proximity effect approximation.

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