
Injection molded blends of polyarylate (PAR) (ARDEL D-100,AMOCO) and a copolyester (PCTG) (PCTG-5445, EASTMAN CHEMICALS) were found to be single phase and transparent. Upon annealing, above the glass transition temperature, but below the melt temperature of each blend, a single glass transition temperature remained but blends up to 50% PAR become opaque due to crystallization of the PCTG. These morphological changes with annealing have necessitated this study.Cross sections of blends containing 85%, 70%, 50% and 30% PCTG, annealed at l60°C-1h, l60°C-4h, l85°C-4h and l85°C-16h respectively, were prepared for TEM using an LKB Ultramicrotome III with diamond knife. Thin, approx. 50 nm sections, supported on carbon film substrates on TEM grids were examined, as sectioned, by bright field TEM (BF TEM), in a JEOL 2000FX TEM operated at 200 keV. Additional thin sections of each blend were examined by BF TEM and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) after they were treated with a solvent mixture (methylene chloride(MeCl)/dioxane(Diox)) to remove the amorphous fraction and reveal the crystalline portion of the PCTG.

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