
The subsolidus region of the Ag2MoO4-MgMoO4-Al2(MoO4)3 ternary salt system has been studied by X-ray phase analysis. The formation of new compounds Ag1 − xMg1 − xAl1 + x(MoO4)3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) and AgMg3Al(MoO4)5 has been determined. The Ag1 − xMg1 − xAl1 + x(MoO4)3 variable-composition phase is related to the NASICON type structure (space group R\( \bar 3 \)c). AgMg3Al(MoO4)5 is isostructural to sodium magnesium indium molybdate of the same formula unit and crystallizes in triclinic system (space group P\( \bar 1 \), Z = 2) with the following unit cell parameters: a = 9.295(7) A, b = 17.619(2) A, c = 6.8570(7) A, α = 87.420(9)°, β = 101.109(9)°, γ = 91.847(9)°. The compounds Ag1 − xMg1 − xAl1 + x(MoO4)3 and AgMg3Al(MoO4)5 are thermally stable up to 790 and 820°C, respectively.

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