
THERE was a stir of anticipation and inquiry amongst pharmacologists when it first became known that Prof. Fluckiger and Mr. Hanbury were engaged upon a work of joint authorship. Speculation was busy as to what was to be the nature of the book, to what particular objects it would be directed, what excent of ground it would cover, and so forth. Upon a single point all were agreed, namely, that it would not be one of those composite treatises on drugs—organic and inorganic—therapeutics, pharmacy, and toxicology, enlivened by traditional botany and old-fashioned chemistry, which have passed current amongst us as “Manuals of Materia Medica” Pharmacographia: a History of the principal Drugs of Vegetable Origin met with in Great Britain and British India. By Friedrich A. Fluckiger Daniel Hanbury, Fellow of the Linneaa and Chemical Societies of London. (Macmillan and Co., 1874.)

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