
Objective: The present study was undertaken to develop the standardization parameters of powdered aerial parts of Onosma bracteatum Wall, family Boraginaceae. Methods: Different parameters such as pharmacognostical, physicochemical, preliminary phytochemical evaluation along with thin layer chromatography for identification of phytoconstituents were studied. Results: On microscopical examination of the aerial parts it showed the presence of oval to polygonal thin walled straight epidermal cells; spiral vessels, a few fibres elongated with blunt tips, long warty, tubercle based unicellular hairs and paracytic stomata. On physicochemical evaluation it was found to contain more amount of polar constituents as the ethanol extractive value was found to be more. Total ash value and acid insoluble ash indicated the presence of inorganic acids and silicaceous matter respectively. Foaming index and swelling index were indicative of saponins and mucilaginous matter present in the aerial parts. On preliminary phytochemical screening and thin layer chromatographic studies it revealed the presence of saponins, flavonoids, phenolic compounds and mucilage. Conclusion: The present work carried out can serve as a purpose for identification, authentication and standardization of the crude drug.

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