
Introduction: Lodhradi Kashaya is a classical formulation mentioned in Vaidya Chintamani under Kaphaj Prameha and in Basavarajiyam under Prameha Prakarana. The therapeutic efficacy of the Lodhradi Kashaya was described as “Madhumehajeet,” i.e., win over diabetes mellitus. Lodhradi Kashaya was selected for research study, and formulation was modified as instant dissolving powder because classical kwath (decoction) had shorter shelf life, and it is difficult to prepare fresh kwath each time while administration. Aim: Pharmaceutical preparation and standardization of Lodhradi Kashaya spray dried powder. Materials and Methods: Lodhradi Kashaya spray dried powder was prepared by complete aqueous extraction of ingredients followed by drying with spray drier. Physicochemical testing, and standardization of finished formulation was done by following standard protocol. Results: Finished spray dried Kashaya powder was evaluated for different standardization parameter which showed limit of detection (5.86%), pH of 1% w/v solution (3.55) and 5% w/v solution (3.42), total ash value (10.68%), acid insoluble ash (0.47%), extractive value in water (84.95%), and methanol and ethyl acetate (51.21% and 0.86%, respectively). Spray dried powder was fine (pass through 80# mesh) in nature. Lodhradi Kashaya spray dried extract requires time span to get soluble as 15 s (30°C), 11 s (40°C), and 8 s (60°C) on gentle stirring. It was also evaluated for heavy metal, and microbial load that was found are within limit. Conclusion: Lodhradi Kashaya decoction powder dosage form is very convenient to prepare Kashaya dosage form while administration whenever and whereever it is required in busy life schedule. This study and approach will be helpful to revitalize the Kashaya dosage form as it has better exposure and probably better efficacy in the human body.

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