
The variation with pH of the kinetic parameters associated with the mutase and dehydrogenase reactions catalyzed by chorismate mutase-prephenate dehydrogenase has been determined with the aim of elucidating the role that ionizing amino acid residues play in binding and catalysis. The pH dependency of log V for the dehydrogenase reaction shows that the enzyme possesses a single ionizing group with a pK value of 6.5 that must be unprotonated for catalysis. This same group is observed in the V/Kprephenate, as well as in the V/KNAD, profile. The V/Kprephenate profile exhibits a second ionizing residue with a pK value of 8.4 that must be protonated for the binding of prephenate to the enzyme. For the mutase reaction, the V/Kchorismate profile indicates the presence of three ionizing residues at the active site. Two of these residues, with similar pK values of about 7, must be protonated, while the third, with a pK value of 6.3, must be unprotonated. It can be concluded that all three groups are concerned with the binding of chorismate to the enzyme since the maximum velocity of the mutase reaction is essentially independent of pH. This conclusion is confirmed by the finding that the Ki profile for the competitive inhibitor, (3-endo,8-exo)-8-hydroxy-2-oxabicyclo[3.3]non-6-ene-3,5-dicarboxylic acid, shows the same three ionizing groups as observed in the V/Kchorismate profile. By contrast, the Ki profile for carboxyethyldihydrobenzoate shows only one residue, with a pK value of 7.3, that must be protonated for binding of the inhibitor.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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