
Volcanic activity has produced Late Tertiary and Quaternary cinder cones and flows between the Snake River Plain, U.S.A. and the Yukon Territory, Canada. The rock types include basanites, alkali olivine basalts, high-iron basalts, hawaiites, ankaramites, nephelinites, and olivine tholeiites. The alkali olivine basalts, basanites and hawaiites sampled are chemically similar to rocks from the mid-Atlantic islands. Associated with the volcanic rocks are xenoliths of ultramafic rocks, gabbros, granites and granulites. Seismic data indicate that the Moho throughout the region dips eastward at a very shallow angle. The low velocity zone has been located beneath southern British Columbia and displays a topographic high trending northwest-southeast. The nephelinite was erupted from near the crest of this high with less undersaturated lavas erupted from along its flanks. The suite of ultramafic xenoliths spans a greater variety of rock types than can be generated by maximum amounts of partial melting of a uniform source material to produce the lavas in the region. Calculated residual olivine compositions in equilibrium with the magmas at low velocity zone depths and liquidii temperatures are more iron-rich than the typical lherzolite xenolith olivine. This suggests that the residua from the partial melting episodes which produced the volcanic rocks are different from the upper mantle lid above the low velocity zone as represented by the ultramafic xenoliths.

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