
A classification suggested for alkaline ultramafic rocks of the Ary-Mastakh and Staraya Rechka fields, Northern Anabar Shield, is based on the modal mineralogical composition of the rocks and the chemical compositions of their rock-forming and accessory minerals. Within the framework of this classification, the rocks are indentified as orangeite and alkaline ultramafic lamprophyres: aillikite and damtjernite. To estimate how much contamination with the host rocks has modified their composition when the diatremes were formed, the pyroclastic rocks were studied that abound in xenogenic material (which is rich in SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, Rb, Pb, and occasionally also Ba) at relatively low (La/Yb)PM, (La/Sm)PM, and not as much also (Sm/Zr)PM and (La/Nb)PM ratios. The isotopic composition of the rocks suggests that the very first melt portions were of asthenospheric nature. The distribution of trace elements and REE indicates that one of the leading factors that controlled the diversity of the mineralogical composition of the rocks and the broad variations in their isotopic–geochemical and geochemical characteristics was asthenosphere–lithosphere interaction when the melts of the alkaline ultramafic rocks were derived. The melting processes involved metasomatic vein-hosted assemblages of carbonate and potassic hydrous composition (of the MARID type). The alkaline ultramafic rocks whose geochemistry reflects the contributions of enriched vein assemblages to the lithospheric source material, occur in the northern Anabar Shield closer to the boundary between the Khapchan and Daldyn terranes. The evolution of the aillikite melts during their ascent through the lithospheric mantle could give rise to damtjernite generation and was associated with the separation of a C–H–O fluid phase. Our data allowed us to distinguish the evolutionary episodes of the magma-generating zone during the origin of the Triassic alkaline ultramafic rocks in the northern Anabar Shield.

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