
During years were developed three alternative agriculture systems: biodynamic agriculture (Germany, 1913), biological agriculture (Switzerland, 1940) and organic agriculture (Great Britain, 1995), each with their specific. Now in Europe and also in Romania they are used terms as: durable, ecologic, biologic or organic. In ecological vegetable growing the culture technology has some basic principles: preserve soil fertilization, avoiding environment pollution and means wastages, etc. Besides with these principles also have big importance: choosing the area, soil work and fertilization, crop rotation, variety selecting, crops association and plant protection through specific methods (Silguy, C. 1994) for disease fighting and pests in ecological vegetable growing In these context, the most frequent pests are: Nematozii (Meloidogyne), Coropisniţa (Grylotalpa grylotalpa), Furnica de pasune (Lasius flavus), Musculiţa alba de sera (Trialeurodes vaporariorum), Afide – aphids, Gândacul de Colorado (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), are controlled through different preventive and curative specific methods for each pests, according with ecological vegetable growing principles.

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