
The gain body weight and Spoilage of meat broiler which giving jaloh extract to combine with chromiumABSTRACT. A study was conducted on broiler chickens under heat stress to evaluate the effect of combined jaloh (Salix tetrasperma Roxb) extract with chromium mineral in the body weight, value of feed ratio conversion, and time to meat to become decomposed. Twenty four of 20-day old Cobb female broiler chickens were randomly assigned and divided to 4 treatment groups. Completely randomized design was used in this study. The treatments were as follows: 1) chickens given no heat stress and jaloh extract nor chromium (tCp); 2) chickens under heat stress without given jaloh extract nor chromium (Cp); 3) chickens under heat stress and given jaloh extract in 1.000 mg/lt drinking water (Cp+Ej); and 4) chickens under heat stress, given jaloh extract in 1.000 mg/lt drinking water, and chromium in 1.000 ug/lt drinking water (Cp+Ej+Cr). Heat stress given was 33 ± 1oC of cage temperature during 4 hours per day within 15 days. Jaloh extract and chromium treatments in drinking water were given at 2 hour before cage temperature reaching 33 ± 1oC and were stopped being given after 1 hour, when cage temperature back to room temperature. On the 16th day of the study chickens were measured before slaughtered. Samples obtained were chicken meat that taken from breast part (musculus pectoralis). The result suggested that either giving jaloh extract per se at the dose of 1.000 mg/lt in drinking water or combine it with chromium that given two hours before cage temperature reaching 33 ± 1oC, can prevent chickens from decreasing their body weight, decreasing value of feed ratio convertion, and extending time to meat to become decomposed.


  • A study was conducted on broiler chickens under heat stress to evaluate the effect of combined jaloh (Salix tetrasperma Roxb) extract with chromium mineral in the body weight, value of feed ratio convertion, and time to meat to become decomposed

  • Jaloh extract and chromium treatments in drinking water were given at 2 hour before cage temperature reaching 33 ± 1oC and were stopped being given after 1 hour, when cage temperature back to room temperature

  • Samples obtained were chicken meat that taken from breast part

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Pemberian cekaman panas dilakukan dengan meningkatkan suhu di dalam kandang berpemanas dengan menggunakan alat pemanas (heater) yang terbuat dari komponen kawat nikelin berdaya 1.000 Watt. Berdasarkan pengaturan heater yang tersedia dan luas kandang berpemanas yang digunakan, suhu ruangan mencapai 33 ± 1oC pada kisaran pukul 12.00 WIB. Pemberian cekaman panas dilakukan selama 4 jam perhari dalam waktu 15 hari. Kisaran suhu pada siang hari di dalam kandang perlakuan tanpa cekaman panas (perlakuan tCp) adalah 28-31oC. Perhitungan rasio konversi pakan (rkp) atau feed convertion ratio (frc) adalah membandingkan antara jumlah pakan yang dikonsumsi dengan pertumbuhan bobott badan ayam selama penelitian. Secara singkat uji H2S dilakukan sebagai berikut: satu bagian daging ditambahkan 10 bagian air yang telah didinginkan selama 10 menit pada suhu kamar. Perhitungan statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan program Minitab 14 for Windows

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