
This study evaluates the practice of a knowledge management system through the knowledge management application used by the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT). The purpose of this study is to understand and get an overview from BPPT employees related to BPPT knowledge management (KM) application in its function as an organizational knowledge collection platform. This study is hopefully beneficial to see the effectiveness of the features of KM application in supporting the work activities of BPPT employees. The method used in this research is quantitative, using a questionnaire technique based on a survey to gather the data. The questionnaire was distributed to employees who are the administrator of the KM BPPT application from each BPPT working unit. The collected data were processed and analyzed using the AIDA model. This study indicates that BPPT employees have used the BPPT KM application, and some of the features also have been used, such as chats, tasks, drives, and events. Moreover, based on the results obtained, it is known that BPPT employees trust the app and consider the BPPT KM application reliable to store and manage organizational knowledge properly.

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