
The article deals with issues related to the development of the electric drive of electric transports, the development and prospects for the production of electric transports in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Highlights their main advantages and disadvantages.The existing scheme of electric transport electric drive on direct current with relay-contactor control is described. According to the technical and economic indicators, the DC (direct current) electric drive is much inferior to the AC (alternating current) drive.The development of power electronics and microprocessor technology allows you to create a highly efficient drive of electric vehicles with electric motors both DC and AC.The perspective types of the electric drive in relation to the power unit of electric transport for the Kazakhstan producer are described.The development of the electric drive of electric transport is directly connected with the development of modern automated electric drive, power electronics, improvement of electrical machines and microprocessor technology. The integration of the achievements of these three directions and the development of highly efficient electric drives are an excellent prerequisite for the production of some types of Kazakhstan electric transports.The authors of this article are working on the development of an electric drive for electric transport with the use of asynchronous electric motors and synchronous electric motors with a permanent magnet, which have great torques compared to a conventional synchronous motor, which is an originality of the project in comparison with other analogues. Modern traction synchronous motors with a permanent magnet are characterized by a high density of magnetic flux in the air gap and small moment pulsations in the entire speed control range. Such an electric drive has a good power factor and compact design. This will reduce the required power of the electric drive and batteries, as well as significantly reduce the mass-dimensions and the price of the designed electric transport.Electrical transport on the sum of technical and economic indicators already now demonstrates a higher efficiency in comparison with the internal combustion engine transports. Electric transport is much more economical in energy consumption, it itself breaks less frequently, it contains much fewer details, the maintenance is very simple and cheap. All these advantages of electric transport make it very promising with the possible massive introduction of electric transport in the life of the country’s population, especially in Almaty, in the country’s large mining and metallurgical industries.

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