
The success of the family planning program in Thailand since 1964 is reviewed to establish the effectiveness of word-of-mouth communication in recruiting acceptors since government restrictions prevented public information activities until 1970. Efforts such as a pilot project in Potharam district (a rural area of 35000 people) in 1964 revealed that through group meetings pamphlets and posters the percentage of eligible women who knew about modern contraception increased from 5% to 80% in 2 years. Postpartum programs in 4 Bangkok hospitals showed similar successes through word-of-mouth communication; 1 of these Chulalongkorn Medical Hospital is reported to have the worlds largest IUD clinic with over 73000 acceptors as of the end of September 1972. A national population policy was declared in 1970 although the communication system remained the same. As of 1972 23% of the eligible rural population was reportedly using contraception or had been sterilized. Aspects of family planning efforts in Thailand that have been particularly important are the postpartum approach and the use of seminars in leadership groups. The latter was instrumental in leading to a declaration of a national policy. Since restrictions have been removed regarding communication future plans include mobile information units film production and development of other mass media channels. The relative impact of this approach will provide a useful comparison against the earlier success of word-of-mouth communication.

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