
Lateral column (LC) fibers of the isolated frog ( Rana catesbeiana) spinal cord make monosynaptic contact with motoneurons. Following application of a 500 msec tetanus of stimuli presented at 500/sec, the ventral root potential elicited by LC stimulation (LC-VRP) was increased in size. This increase persisted in excess of 2 h. Changes in baseline excitability of the preparation as a whole or the motoneurons in particular did not contribute to the effect. No change was observed in the input LC volley following tetanus, and an antidromic tetanus did not affect the orthodromic response. On the basis of these results, the mechanism underlying the increased LC-VRP following tetanus was concluded to be increased presynaptic output of transmitter or increased chemosensitivity of the postsynaptic membrane.

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