
Pluit Reservoir has a big role in DKI Jakarta. Efforts to optimize the Pluit Reservoir are facing various problems, such as silting the reservoir, water quality pollution, the existence of illegal settlements of the population, thus decreasing the function of the Pluit Reservoir as flood control and water resources. In an effort to overcome the problem, the government has made normalization of reservoir policy. Information regarding the level of knowledge / perception, attitudes and level of satisfaction of the community and management is important to consider the management of the Pluit Reservoir. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of knowledge / perceptions of the community and managers on the functions, problems and management policies of the Pluit Reservoir, to analyze the attitudes of the community and managers towards the Pluit Reservoir management policy, to analyze the level of community and manager satisfaction with the Pluit Reservoir management policy. The analysis method is descriptive quantitative and qualitative methods using a Likert scale and supply-demand analysis. The results showed that the level of knowledge / perception of both managers and the community was still low on the program of land acquisition and relocation of flats, reservoir dredging programs, and waste cleaning and handling programs. The attitude of both the manager and the community is still low towards the land acquisition and relocation program to flats. The level of satisfaction that is still low both from managers and the community regarding land acquisition and relocation to flats and also with the reservoir dredging program.


  • Waduk Pluit memiliki peran besar di Daerah Khusus Ibukota (DKI) Jakarta

  • Pluit Reservoir has a big role in DKI Jakarta

  • Information regarding the level of knowledge/ management of the Pluit Reservoir

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Wawancara menggunakan kuesioner

Wawancara menggunakan kuesioner digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data tentang informasi pribadi responden, pengetahuan/ persepsi, sikap dan kepuasan masyarakat terkait fungsi dan masalah Waduk Pluit serta kebijakan dan program normalisasi dalam pengelolaan Waduk Pluit. Pemilihan responden penelitian menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, yaitu teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu (Sugiono, 2015). Pertimbangan pemilihan responden adalah sebagai berikut: a. Pembagian kelompok ini bertujuan agar data dan informasi yang didapatkan berasal dari setiap kelompok masyarakat tersebut. C. Selain masyarakat, responden juga adalah pengelola Waduk Pluit diantaranya: Dinas Sumber Daya Air Provinsi DKI Jakarta, UPK Badan Air Waduk Pluit, Pengelola program relokasi, dan Jakpro sebagai pengelola taman kota Waduk Pluit. Observasi lapang dilakukan untuk memverifikasi data yang didapat melalui studi literatur dan wawancara dengan kondisi di lapangan, sehingga dapat dijadikan pembanding untuk memperkuat data yang didapatkan

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