
Abstract The term “persecuted church” denotes Christian churches that have suffered overt persecution throughout the history of Christianity. The term persecution is defined in this article as the use of state or ecclesiastical power to deny the rights of persons to practice their faith through physical force, economic sanction, or legal action. While all Christians may suffer various subtle forms of persecution in contemporary societies, a majority of the world's believers in the 21st century still live in cultures and under regimes where persecution is orchestrated. Various Christian organizations emerged in the late 20th century to raise awareness in the west of international persecution of Christians. Persecution as repression of Christian life and witness is as old as Christianity itself. It has included persecution directed at Christians by people hostile to Christianity as well as persecution initiated by Christians against other Christians. Christian apologists such as Justin Martyr and Tertullian were called upon to answer these attacks in the 2nd and 3rd centuries.

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