
Resilient, machine processed, shapped aluminium using pulling power for pure aluminium with 4-5kgf/mm2. Aluminium fusion with series 2024-T3 is a metal fusion whose low weldability so it is very difficult to be conducted the welding process because it tends to occur hot cracking or being porous, and precipitation hardening when conducting welding process due to segregation of copper (Cu) fusion subtance. One of welding method to obtain the good aluminium welding result is by using FSW (friction stir welding). The purpose of this research is to find out the shape and type of fracture on aluminium fusion with FSW welding by dealing TTT. The fracture is created from fatik substance test. The reserach method was conducted by welding of plate aluminium fusion 2024-T3 using FSW technique by dealing transient thermal tensioning (TTT). Transient thermal was conducted by resigning heater line with weld tool/pin. The speed of determined FSW welding was 11 mm/minutes and 1200 rpm. The conducted test was fatigue test and factografi test with SEM. The result of the reserach shows that the number of fatik test cycle is 765.250 with sigmoidal curve visually. Then, the result of fractography using SEM shows that the occured fracture is brittle.


  • Resilient, machine processed, shapped aluminium using pulling power for pure aluminium with 4-5kgf/mm[2]

  • of welding method to obtain the good aluminium welding result is by using friction stir welding (FSW)

  • The purpose of this research is to find out the shape and type of fracture

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2.1 Proses Friction Stir Welding Pengelasan dengan metode friction stir welding (FSW) pada paduan aluminium telah digunakan dibeberapa industri untuk meningkatkan kualitas sambungan aluminium paduan (Deepa dan Sherif, 2007). Proses TTT menggunakan prinsip penguatan tegangan termal, dan tidak memerlukan pendingian (quenching), dan dapat didesain secara mekanis untuk proses pengelasan. Proses transient thermal tensioning merupakan proses pemberian panas lokal pada daerah sekitar las dengan menggunakan sumber panas bergerak sehingga menghasilkan tegangan termal tarik saat pendinginan yang melawan tegangan sisa yang dihasilkan oleh proses pengelasanProses TTT telah dikembangkan di Edison Welding Institute (EWI) sejak pertengahan tahun 1990. 3.2 Prosedur Pengelasan Proses pengelasan FSW yang dilakukan menggunakan mesin milling dengan perlakuan transient thermal dengan posisi penempatan heater di sejajar dengan alur las seperti pada Gambar 3.1 Dimensi ukuran probe/pin seperti Gambar 3.2 Kecepatan maju las 11 mm/menit dan putaran tool 1200 rpm. Gambar 3.2 Probe/Tool Untuk pengelasan FSW dengan TT, digunakan rangkaian alat yang terdiri dari : mesin milling, panelbox heater, data loger box.

Struktur Makro Las
Uji Fractografi dengan SEM
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