
<div>Human trafficking, nowadays, is a problem that attracts the attention of the</div><div>public, both nationally and internationally. Various efforts have been made to</div><div>prevent the practice of human trafficking. Normatively, legal rules have been</div><div>created to prevent and overcome human trafficking. However, human trafficking</div><div>is still ongoing. Trafficking in persons is a form of crime against humanity.</div><div>The purpose of this study is to analyze law enforcement against the crime</div><div>of human trafficking in Indonesia. And to analyze the legal protection of victims of human trafficking in Indonesia. The research method is a normative research</div><div>because specifically this research aims to provide an overview of the protection of victims of the crime of human trafficking in the perspective of Law no. 21 Year</div><div>2007.</div><div>The results of the study indicate that the birth of Law no. 21 of 2007</div><div>concerning the Eradication of the Criminal Act of Trafficking in Persons is a form</div><div>of law enforcement for the criminal act of trafficking in persons whose contents</div><div>include several things, namely: (1) the criminal act of trafficking in persons; (2)</div><div>other criminal acts related to the crime of trafficking in persons; (3) investigation, prosecution and examination in court; (4) witness and victim protection; (5) prevention and treatment; and (6) international cooperation and community</div><div>participation. Protection of victims of criminal acts has 2 (two) meanings, namely: 1) legal protection not to become victims of criminal acts; 2) protection to obtain legal guarantees/compensation for the suffering/loss of people who have become victims of criminal acts.</div>

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