
Satisfaction of patients and families is very important factor to evaluate the quality of nursing. Nurse caring behaviors is one of the aspects related to nursing services. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of the nurse caring behaviors with family satisfaction levels of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Urip Sumoharjo Hospital- Bandar Lampung. This research is quantitative with cross sectional study design. The population study were all families of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Urip Sumoharjo Hospital during 2015. The sample of this study amounted to 32 respondents with consecutive sampling technique, the inclusion criteria of respondents are close relatives of TB patients (which are:wife / husband / child / parent), treated in June-July 2015 in RSUS Hospital Bandar Lampung. Statistical analysis using chi square test. Statistical analysis shows that theres is no relationship between the nurse caring behaviors to family satisfaction levels of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Urip Sumoharjo Hospital Bandar Lampung. The result shows about p value: 0.014 and OR value: 4.3, it means that a good nurse caring behaviors 4.3 times can improve the satisfaction of family TB patient. Behaviour of nurses caring could increase through education and training.

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