
PSR B1259-63 is a 47-millisecond pulsar which was discovered in a high frequency survey of the galactic plane (Johnston et al. 1992a) and was subsequently found to be in a highly eccentric orbit with a main-sequence Be star known as SS 2883 (Johnston et al. 1992b). Radio observations of the pulsar led to a phase connected timing solution which predicted the epoch of periastron to be 1994 January 9 (MJD 49361.2); optical observations of the Be star led to a determination of its mass and of the size of its circumstellar disk (Johnston et al. 1994a): the star is of approximate spectral type B1e, with mass 10 M⊙ and radius 6 R⊙. If this mass is correct and the pulsar has a mass of 1.4 M⊙, then the inclination angle of the plane of the orbit with respect to the sky is 35°. This pulsar has an unusually flat radio spectrum compared to most pulsars, which makes it easily detectable up to 8.4 GHz. The narrow pulse permits dispersion and scattering measurements for studying the ionized plasma in the system. Moreover, the pulses are highly linearly polarized and permit determination of the rotation measure (RM), allowing measurements of the magnetic field along the line of sight. The 3.5-yr orbit of the pulsar around its companion thus provides us with an excellent probe of the stellar wind of the Be star over a wide frequency range.

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