
Background. Periarticular cysts (PC) of facet joints is a rare pathology in neurosurgical practice. The concept of PC is applicable for all cysts that are located either pararticularly in the region of facet joints, or start from them.Material and methods. A systematic search was performed in medical databases: Medline, RINC, EMedicine, UMKB, Pubmed on the relevant topic in Russian and English. The search query includes words: arcuate joint, periarticular cyst, clinic, diagnosis, surgical treatment. One of the significant factors of PC development is the instability of the vertebralmotor segment of both degenerative and post-traumatic character.Results. The result of the literature review was the writing of a clinical lecture, the current state of the issue of etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and management of patients with periarticular cysts of facet joints was studied. The article gives a clinical example of surgical treatment of a patient with a periarticular cyst at the level of LIV-LV on the right.Conclusion. Periarticular cysts of facet joints are one of the factors of compression of cauda equina roots, with surgical treatment being a radical and effective way of treatment. A detailed study of this pathology is a promising direction in spinal neurosurgery. Further research is required on comparative analysis of clinical and instrumental efficacy of various methods of surgical treatment of periarticular cysts of facet joints.


  • Periarticular cysts (PC) of facet joints is a rare pathology in neurosurgical practice

  • The result of the literature review was the writing of a clinical lecture, the current state of the issue of etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and management of patients with periarticular cysts of facet joints was studied

  • The article gives a clinical example of surgical treatment of a patient with a periarticular cyst at the level of LIV-LV on the right

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ФГБОУ ВО «Иркутский государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России Периартикулярные кисты дугоотростчатых суставов являются редкой патологией в нейрохирургической практике. Понятие «периартикулярные кисты» применимо для всех кист, которые располагаются либо параартикулярно в области дугоотростчатых суставов, либо исходят из них. Авторы указывают на малоизученные вопросы этиопатогенеза, диагностики и тактике ведения, лечения пациентов с периартикулярными кистами дугоотростчатых суставов. Посвящённые эффективности различных способов хирургического лечения периартикулярных кист дугоотростчатых суставов с позиции радикальности удаления патологии и эффективности сохранения функции и опороспособности позвоночнодвигательного сегмента. Изучено текущее состояние проблемы этиопатогенеза, диагностика и способов лечение пациентов с периартикулярными кистами дугоотростчатых суставов. Периартикулярные кисты дугоотростчатых суставов: этиопатогенез, диагностика, способы хирургического лечения. Krasnogo Vosstaniya 1, Irkutsk 664003, Russian Federation). Bortsov Revolutsii 1, Irkutsk 664003, Russian Federation). Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education – Branch Campus of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education (Yubileyniy 100, Irkutsk 664049, Russian Federation)

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