
As most in vitro endothelial cell (EC)-vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) co-culture studies have been performed utilizing static culture conditions, none have successfully mimicked the physical environment of these cells in vivo. EC covering the inner surface of blood vessels are continuously exposed to a hemodynamically imposed mechanical stress resulting from the flow of blood, while SMC are affected by pressure, a flow-related force acting perpendicular to the surface. We have developed a perfused transcapillary co-culture system that permits the chronic exposure of EC and SMC to physiological shear stresses and pressures. SMC and EC co-cultures were successfully established and maintained in long-term culture (7 wk) on an enclosed perfused bundle of semipermeable polypropylene capillaries. By altering flow rate and/or viscosity, shear stresses of 0.07-20 dyn/cm2 can be readily achieved in this system. Electron microscopic analysis revealed that SMC formed multilayers around the outside of the capillaries, whereas EC, subjected to 3 dyn/cm2 shear stress, formed an intact closely adherent monolayer lining the capillary lumen. EC and SMC exhibited characteristic ultrastructural and gross morphology. EC were separated from SMC by the capillary wall (pore size 0.5 microns, width 150 microM) and while no direct cell-cell contact was evident some cells were seen to migrate into the capillary wall. Both EC and SMC are exposed to the same culture medium, allowing the interaction of substances released in both directions. Yet separate populations of cells are maintained and can be individually harvested for further analysis. This co-culture system that mimics the architecture and physical environment of the vessel wall should have many potential applications in vascular biology.

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