
A field experiment was carried out for 2 crop years (July‐October) at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to study the effect of land configuration and phosphorus levels on the growth and yield of rainy season greengram under limited irrigation facility. The crop sown on 2 meter wide broad bed and furrow (BBF) showed higher growth attributes, nodulation, yield attributes and yield compared to flat bed (FB) sowing. Application of 30 and 60 kg P2O5ha‐1 showed significant increase in growth attributes, nodulation, yield attributes and yield as compared to no phosphorus application. The moisture status in the soil determined the optimum dose of phosphorus needed for greengram. The combination of BBF sowing and application of 60 kg P2O5 ha−1 recorded the highest grain yield among all the combinations of land configuration and phosphorus levels.

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