
Irrigation systems may exhibit variations in performance when poorly dimensioned or depending on the time of use. In this sense, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of irrigation systems located by micro sprinkler and drip irrigation in the sweet potato crop in a family property in the municipality of Guaraciaba do Norte-CE. The property under study in this research has a total area of 2.5 ha. The area cultivated with sweet potatoes is 120 m2 with 50% of the area irrigated by drip irrigation and the remainder irrigated by micro sprinkler. In order to analyze the performance of the irrigation systems, the methodology proposed by Keller and Karmeli (1975) was adopted, in which the flow rates of the emitters are determined in pre-established positions. Were determined the coefficients of uniformity of Christiansen (CUC); coefficient of statistical uniformity (CUE); Hart uniformity coefficient and distribution uniformity coefficient (CUD). Irrigation systems presented uniformity coefficients higher than 90%, for all the equations applied in this work, both also presented application efficiency higher than 85%. Due to the high coefficients of uniformity found it was concluded that the irrigation systems located on the property were well sized and mounted


  • Irrigation systems may exhibit variations in performance when poorly dimensioned or depending on the time of use

  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of irrigation systems located by micro sprinkler and drip irrigation in the sweet potato crop in a family property in the municipality of Guaraciaba do Norte-CE

  • The area cultivated with sweet potatoes is 120 m2 with 50% of the area irrigated by drip irrigation and the remainder irrigated by micro sprinkler

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Scientific Electronic Archives

Issue ID: Sci. Elec. Arch. Vol 13 (4) April 2020 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36560/13420201023 Article link http://sea.ufr.edu.br/index.php?journal=SEA&page=article&o p=view&path%5B%5D=1023&path%5B%5D=pdf Included in DOAJ, AGRIS, Latindex, Journal TOCs, CORE, Discoursio Open Science, Science Gate, GFAR, CIARDRING, Academic Journals Database and NTHRYS Technologies, Portal de Periódicos CAPES.

Posição na linha de derivação Início
Sistema de Irrigação
Grau de Aceitabilidade
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