
Abstract More than 11 cultivars of fodder beet are marketed to farmers, but with little refereed data on differences in potential yield. Trials were established in spring 2012 to evaluate the yield, dry matter content of bulbs, and proportion out of the ground of 13 beet cultivars, at four sites in the South Island. There were differences between cultivars for yield, field emergence, dry matter percentage (DM%) of the bulb, and percentage of the bulb out of the ground. The cultivars 'Enermax' (19.37 t dry matter/ha), 'Magnum' (18.98), 'Bangor' (17.83), 'Troya' (17.54) and 'Kyros' (17.39) were more productive than 'Brigadier' (14.00), which was similar to 'Feldherr' (15.15). There were no interactions between cultivar performance and site. These trials prove that the selection of cultivar has a large effect on the yield and profitability of fodder beet crops. Keywords: Fodder beet, Beta vulgaris, yield, dry matter, cultivars, fertiliser, disease.

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