
In irradiation tests reported here, kernel migration in coated UO 2 fuel was eliminated through the use of a ZrC oxygen getter in two types of particles: one in which a solid layer of ZrC was deposited over the kernel, and another in which ZrC was dispersed throughout the pyrocarbon buffer layer surrounding the kernel. Postirradiation annealing tests on these TRISO-coated particles revealed an additional advantage for the particle having the solid ZrC overcoat in that no fission products were released during testing for 36 Ms (10000 h) at 1500°C. The other ZrC-gettered particle, as well as UO 2, UC 2, and mixed UO 2-UC 2 fuels that were included for comparison, released significant amounts of silver and europium through intact coatings in much shorter periods of time under the same conditions.

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