Two metal supported solid oxide fuel cells (active area 16 cm2) with nanostructured Ni:GDC infiltrated anodes, possessing different anode and support microstructures were studied in respect to sulfur tolerance at an operating temperature of 650°C. The studied MS-SOFCs are based on ferretic stainless steel (FeCr) and showed excellent performance characteristics at 650°C with fuel utilization corrected area specific resistances of 0.35 Ωcm2 and 0.7 Ωcm2 respectively. The sulfur tolerance testing was performed by periodic addition of 2, 5, and 10 ppm H2S in hydrogen based fuel under galvanostatic operation at a current load of 0.25 Acm−2. The results were compared with literature on the sulfur tolerance of conventional SOFC Ni/YSZ cermet anode. The comparison in terms of absolute cell resistance increase and relative anode polarization resistance increase indicates, that the nanostructured Ni:GDC MS-SOFC based anode is significantly more sulfur tolerant than the conventional Ni/YSZ cermet anode. Furthermore, it was shown that the believed extension of the electrochemical three-phase-boundary reaction zone in the presence of GDC must be very limited and cannot account for the higher sulfur tolerance of GDC modified SOFC anodes.
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In the present study we report on the sulfur tolerance of MS-SOFCs with the novel Ni:gadolinium doped ceria (GDC) nanostructured anode and discuss it in relation to performance and in comparison to the conventional SOFC Ni:YSZ cermet anode
In respect to the characteristics of this type of electrocatalyst coating it has been shown in previous studies with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) that the Ni particles are nanosized (5–40 nm), evenly distributed and stabilized within the matrix of GDC.[6]
The cell type A with an open microstructure performs excellent with a fuel utilization corrected area specific resistance ASRcorr = 0.35 cm[2]. This is to our knowledge the best MS-SOFC performance at 650◦C on single cell level, which is reported in the literature. In the button cell setup, the fuel gas flow and oxidant flow is perpendicular to the cell and the gas is directly blown onto/into the porous electrodes of the cell This is in contrast to single cell testing, where the gas flow is a plug flow geometry with the gas flowing along the cell in gas channels or through a conjugated current collecting mesh. Even though the exact same infiltration procedure was applied, it seems that more infiltrate is introduced all the way into the AFLs of the cells with a more open
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