
Water is the key of development and stability of any region. Under climate change condition, water systems are less reliable and more vulnerable. In this study, performance of Saline reservoir in Odisha, India has been evaluated under the climate change condition. The study mainly focused on the trend analysis for identified the temporal changes in precipitation and inflow time series using Mann–Kendall test, quantification of inflows to reservoir using ARNO model and performance evaluation of reservoir using WEAP model under climate change condition. In the results, it has been observed that there is no significant trend for annual, seasonal and for any monthly rainfall. Variation in precipitation shows that rainy days are decreasing whereas number of intense rainy days (>100 mm) are increasing. A significant rising trend with test statistic value of +3.18 is observed for daily inflow series at 95 % confidence level. Evaluation of inflow to reservoir, ARNO model shows that the change in simulated flow is directly proportional to the change in rainfall. In order to 25 % Change, decrease or increase in rainfall amount resulted in equal amount of decrease or increase in the inflow. Performance evaluation of reservoir using WEAP model shows that if inflows reduced by 20 % there would be a decrease in supply reliability and it would not be possible to increase supplies. Reducing live storage by 10 % influence supply delivered in May and June, but again has little impact on the rest of the year.

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