
Signal to noise ratio (SNR) boosting is one of the most important research areas in signal processing. The effectiveness of SNR boosting is not limited to a specific application rather, it is widely used in image processing, signal processing, cognitive radio, MIMO systems, digital beam forming, and direction of arrival (DOA) estimation …etc. In this paper, the recursive least square (RLS) and wavelet based de-noising filters are exploited for SNR boosting in DOA estimation techniques for further performance enhancement. The matrix pencil method (MPM) as an effortlessness and high resolution DOA estimation technique is taken as a test case. That is because it suffers from performance deterioration under low SNR regimes. The simulation results reveal that the MPM based RLS de-noising filter outperforms the MPM based wavelet de-noising filter and the traditional MPM in terms of mean square error (MSE) especially at low SNR regimes.

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