
In this article, a novel combination of an arsenide/antimonide tunneling interface using binary (InAs) and ternary (AlGaSb) compound semiconducting materials and junctionless tunnel field effect transistor (JLFET) has been explored to induce a charge-plasma based tunable bandgap source/channel (S/C) interface. The hetero-material JLTFET (H-JLTFET) depicts superior performance than conventional homo-material Si JLTFET in terms of DC characteristics showing ~128 and ~1.27 × 108 times higher ION and ION/IOFF along with ~10−6 times, ~50%, and 88% lower IOFF, Vth, and SS. The superior performance is attributed to the conduction band local minimum induced at the channel yielding to narrower tunneling barrier width at an optimized Al-mole fraction (0.15) of AlGaSb. Furthermore, 77 times higher gm of H-JLTFET led to 5 × 106 and 205 times higher device efficiency and fT along with ~66% reduction in the parasitic capacitance making it favorable for high-speed switching applications as compared to Si JLTFET.

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