
This study seeks to establish the extent to which performance contracting has been adopted, its effects on the performanceof head teachers and subsequent challenges in schools in Kenya with special reference to Embu County Schools. Reviewof recent empirical crossnational studies conducted to decode the comfort of signing performance contract, shows thathead teachers did not reject implementation of performance contract in totality. There were flaws in sensitivity of scopes,meaning, importance and equity to all. Since performance contract is a freely negotiated tool, government should lay agood foundation and not hurried up process leading to confusion. Performance contracting is directed to all public civilservice as a reform agenda for better service delivery. Whereas the high ranking servants may welcome the idea ofmeasuring performance the lower cadre might feel exposed hence resist. Performance appraisals evaluate strengths andweakness against the criteria set upon organizations goal and therefore are worthy. Challenges in grading structure andnegotiation committee can be addressed by agreed targets. Further, in all stages communication should remain open andeliminate any ambiguities to build trust. Fair and firm government instructions with proper standards against whichresults can be measured, will lead head teachers giving key areas for good results establishment. Good leadership byhead teachers will influence teachers to willingly and enthusiastically append signatures in performance appraisals.

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