
We investigated here the effects of perforin on CTL responses during interaction of dendritic cells (DC) with cytotoxic T lymphocytes in vivo. Using MHC class I tetramers complexed with the immunodominant CTL epitope of the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus glycoprotein (LCMV-GP33), we followed the kinetics of DC-induced CTL responses. GP33-presenting DC induced rapid primary expansion of both perforin-competent and -deficient CTL with similar kinetics. Secondary CTL responses in perforin-deficient and normal control mice after DC-booster immunization were more rapid than the primary responses, but never reached the high initial levels, suggesting that reactivated memory CTL eliminated the antigen-presenting DC and thereby limited the booster effect. Whereas killingof DC in vitro was strictly dependent on perforin, elimination of GP33-presenting DC by CTL in vivo was largely independent of perforin and Fas. Taken together, these results suggest that control of DC homeostasis by CTL, i. e. elimination of DC by the effector cells they had elicited, is controlled via multiple and probably redundant signals and represents an important fail-safe mechanism to avoid exaggerated CTL responses.

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