
The sibling species An. coluzzii and An. gambiae s.s. are major malaria vectors thought to be undergoing sympatric speciation with gene flow. In the absence of intrinsic post-zygotic isolation between the two taxa, speciation is thought possible through the association of assortative mating and genomic regions protected from gene flow by recombination suppression. Such genomic islands of speciation have been described in pericentromeric regions of the X, 2L and 3L chromosomes. Spatial swarm segregation plays a major role in assortative mating between sympatric populations of the two species and, given their importance for speciation, genes responsible for such pre-mating reproductive barriers are expected to be protected within divergence islands. In this study 2063 male and 266 female An. coluzzii and An. gambiae s.s. individuals from natural swarms in Burkina Faso, West Africa were sampled. These were genotyped at 16 speciation island SNPs, and characterized as non-hybrid individuals, F1 hybrids or recombinant F1+n backcrossed individuals. Their genotypes at each speciation island were associated with their participation in An. coluzzii and An. gambiae-like swarms. Despite extensive introgression between the two species, the X-island genotype of non-hybrid individuals (37.6%), F1 hybrids (0.1%) and F1+n recombinants (62.3%) of either sex perfectly associated to each swarm type. Associations between swarm type and the 3L and 2L speciation islands were weakened or broken down by introgression. The functional demonstration of a close association between spatial segregation behaviour and the X speciation island lends further support to sympatric speciation models facilitated by pericentric recombination suppression in this important species complex.

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