
We suggest a rasterization pipeline tailored towards the needs of HMDs, where latency and field-of-view requirements pose new challenges beyond those of traditional desktop displays. Instead of image warping for low latency, or using multiple passes for foveation, we show how both can be produced directly in a single perceptual rasterization pass. We do this with per-fragment ray-casting. This is enabled by derivations of tight space-time-fovea pixel bounds, introducing just enough flexibility for the requisite geometric tests, but retaining most of the simplicity and efficiency of the traditional rasterizaton pipeline. To produce foveated images, we rasterize to an image with spatially varying pixel density. To compensate for latency, we extend the image formation model to directly produce "rolling" images where the time at each pixel depends on its display location. Our approach overcomes limitations of warping with respect to disocclusions, object motion and view-dependent shading, as well as geometric aliasing artifacts in other foveated rendering techniques. A set of perceptual user studies demonstrates the efficacy of our approach.

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